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Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. The virus infects the deepest layer of the epidermis (outer skin layer). Warts do not have a root.  They often have a speckled or pepper pot appearance and hurt when you squeeze them from the sides.   


Warts speed up the skin growth.  The abnormal skin pulls blood vessels and nerves up to the surface. Pain comes from the dead skin pinching these nerves.

The outer layer of the skin does not have direct blood flow and the wart virus is good at hiding from the immune cells located in the epidermal layer.  

There are many treatments available for warts. The treatment we recommend for you will depend on the appearance of the wart (wet vs dry), and your activity level. Some treatments require home work (applying medications to the wart at home), others are carried out in the office. Treatments work in two ways; by stimulating the immune response and by direct attack on the virus infected cells.  



Remaining wart visible under magnification 

Your wart will be inspected visually, and measured to track progress. We have a dermoscope to inspect the wart under magnification.  It is important to ensure the wart has completely cleared before we stop treatment.  

If any wart infected cells remain the wart could grow back. Unfortunately the wart virus never leaves our system once we have contracted it. Our immune system keeps it under control. If you get sick or run down, the warts can return, even years later.  

Most people have had warts at some time in their life. To avoid sharing your wart with others, cover them with a bandage when attending swimming pools and gyms; especially if you are using diving boards and blocks.   

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